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Board Vacancy


Notice is hereby given that the North County Recreation and Park District, a special district that provides public recreation services and facilities in the North Monterey County area, currently has two vacant positions due to the resignation of two of its members.

To be considered for appointment to this position, individuals must have their primary residence within the boundaries of the district, be a registered voter and have an interest in recreational services. The NCRPD board meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30pm at 11261 Crane Street, Castroville, CA. To find out more about the District you can visit    

If you are interested in serving as a NCRPD board member please send a letter of interest to Supervisor District 2, Glenn Church: or P.O. Box 787, Castroville, CA 95012.

This notice will be posted for 15 days and has opened a 15-day window for candidates to submit their letters of interest by February 25, 2025 at 5:00 P.M.

Alex López

General Manager, NCRPD


Public notice for board seat vacancy at North County Recreation and Park District. Applications due by Feb 25, 2025.